Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Maintenance Inspection

We had our maintenance inspection today. There were only about 15 things on the list. Most of the issues are from movement as the house settles. However, we've had our other trades fixing little issues as they go. Some of the issues already fixed by our trades:

Roof leak from tile not sitting correctly (caused an external light to fill with water and short out).
Render not done properly at the front
Colour-blind apprentice electrician wired neutral and active back-to-front in a power point.
Crossed neutrals in some of the RCDs causing the power to cut out
Wiring the smoke detectors together (required by law)

Weeks ago, we had some urgent issues fixed the same day by Eden Brae, including a gas leak from one of the bayonets and some missing powerpoints.


Anonymous said...

Hi guys, apart from your bricking fiasco, have you been generally 'happy' with EB's work ? 'Happy' might not be the right word. Or perhaps satisfied, taking into account some of the horror stories found on HomeOne ?

jamie&kath said...

When you live in the house for a while, you ignore the little cosmetic issues. The house isn't perfect but I suppose it's acceptable.