Saturday, December 22, 2007

Roof on....sort of!

The tap was fixed last week fairly promptly.

The roof tiles, guttering and sarking went on this week because the weather has been wet in Sydney and is expected to continue. There is still some brickwork outstanding though. Some window sills and the pillars for the front facade, particularly the front porch, are still outstanding and these things should be done early in the new year. Hoepfully, some of the brickwork issues shown in the following pictures will be fixed as well:

Alfresco area - the guttering is Dune colour

The front facade - the "lighter" bricks will be rendered over.

I've never seen this before. The weepholes go up the wall and then across.

Some misaligned bricks above the alfresco - to be fair these bricks were done quickly to avoid more weather delays so the roof could go on. However, it is still unacceptable. We'll be employing an inspector to formalise this issue as well as inspect the rest of the home.

This picture shows a missing brick in the bottom right hand corner of the wall near where the the stormwater pipe is. I assume this brick will be replaced!!


building_2 said...

Hi Kath and Jamie!! We are building too in Sydney and have put a deposit with eden brae (they do their presentation in a week). What council will you be in? We will be in Blacktown Council in Kellyville Ridge.

Thanks for your blog, it is a great read and provides good insight into your experience!

jamie&kath said...


We're in the same area. It took about 6 weeks in council to get approval.

Thanks for the compliments about the blog.

Kath and Jamie